
BNP 128-1r

c. 1919-1920

1. Shorthand System — in 5 or 6 languages.
2. Condensating Code.
3. Full code (including cond. code).
4. International Language (study further this conj.)
5. Technical Dictionaries.
6. Method of Studying Foreign Languages.
7. Correspondence Courses in Writing and Composition, etc.
8. Athena, GCPortugueza, or CSoaresʼ plan. (study fully).
9. Parlour (table) games.
10. Second shorthand system (in several languages).
11. Livro de versos em inglez.
em portuguez (para o fim do anno).

Lista manuscrita.

  • Zeitschriften

    • Athena Q60999796 22125