
BNP 128-1r

c. 1919-1920

1. Shorthand System — in 5 or 6 languages.
2. Condensating Code.
3. Full code (including cond[ensating] code).
4. International Language (study further this conj.)
5. Technical Dictionaries.
6. Method of Studying Foreign Languages.
7. Correspondence Courses in Writing and Composition, etc.
8. Athena, G[remio] [de] C[ultura] Portugueza, or CSoaresʼ plan. (study fully).
9. Parlour (table) games.
10. Second shorthand system (in several languages).
11. Livro de versos em inglez.
12. [Livro de versos] em portuguez (para o fim do anno).

Lista manuscrita.

  • Zeitschriften

    • Athena Q60999796 22125